Every time you reach a certain level of success, you will come to this realization.

On a Sunday at 6 am, I was deeply in nature. I was biking with two friends. We were going uphill.

We were talking about different things.

Two talks caught up my attention and made me think and create this post.

First, we talked about how hard it is to keep going on those things you really love to do but, because of lack of money, sometimes you have to give up.

You either stop doing them completely or do them without consistency, so the chances of having success are going from scarce to null.

This is true to some extent. Why?

Because there are a lot of stories out there of people who succeeded in their areas even when the majority of their careers there was no money at all.

The second talk, and to me the most important one — this post's headline: you are going to come back to the simplest things in life.

Walking, running, biking, swimming, hiking, writing, fishing, and going into nature are just a few of those simple things we take for granted in life.

In this modern, fast-change, and business-centric world, we try to reach success at any cost, forgetting to enjoy those simple things you have already.

The endless trap

Our focus and energy are mainly on getting more money, traction, or fame. When you get it, you will realize that you will need more.

So you earned more money, now what?. You will realize again you need more money. This same behavior is repeated over, and over and over.

Definitely, everybody needs money to cover and meet their needs at least.

Once you have reached that point, you have two paths: upgrade your lifestyle and keep in the endless money trap, or look for those things that bring meaning and happiness to you.

Most of us choose the first path.

We fall into the trap.

The sad news is that whenever you reach a new level of monetary success, you will realize that you need more and more.

This behavior is repeated over, and over and over.

You will come back to the simplest things in life

Once you are tired, stressed, and unfulfilled because of that lifestyle, you will come back to those simple but fulfilling and meaningful things I listed above.

Dude, listen to me out.

What is the point to lose ourselves and going crazy on that journey?

What is the point to go nowhere, to later just come back to the beginning?

There’s no way.

Don’t need to travel all over the world for the wrong reasons to then come back to the beginning.

Friend, enjoy all gifts life has given you. Biking, running, jogging, meditation, hiking, fishing, talking with strangers, writing, name it.

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