The art of conquering yourself is one of the most powerful weapons to reach happiness and bring meaning to your life.

It involves being fully honest, crystal, aware, and transparent about who you are. This means being able to identify your core values and foundations that hold every single action and decision in your life.

Having said that, it’s a discovering process of finding your best self from within rather than outside.

Conquering yourself is the art of understanding as a human being. It’s a process of self-compassion and being intentional.

Find clarity

Clarity is the moment we see without opening our eyes — Stephanie Banks

I believe that the key to unlocking your higher self is through connecting with yourself. This is only possible if you have found clarity.

This means you have to figure out what makes you happy, healthy, and loving.

You can start today by doing these small but powerful things to find clarity

  • Write down what matters for you in the areas of work, family, and life. eg. I love writing, coding, and teaching. I love spending time with my son. I love helping others.
  • Avoid multitasking. Do one thing at a time.
  • Turn off all distracting things. eg. I uninstalled all social network apps. This is extreme but you can start by uninstalling one then, the rest.
  • Writing is the most powerful technique to get clarity.

Be intentional

An unintentional life accepts everything and does nothing. An intentional life embraces only the things that will add to the mission of significance. — John C Maxwell

There’s no way to be intentional if you have no clarity about who you really are and where you want to go.

Being intentional means you consciously have chosen to build your destiny on your terms. You have to get clear upfront about what you want to achieve.

You have to bet on creating the life you dream and want, rather than what society dictates.

Every single action you take has a clear purpose. A purpose that is meaningful only for you.

Be really honest

The easiest person to fool is yourself — Richard P. Feynman

The more honest you are with yourself the closer to finding meaning in whatever you do. Honesty with yourself is the most striking thing to grow toward your inner peace and happiness.

In the past, I wasn’t really honest, realistic, and clear about my goals, weaknesses, and strengths.

I used to fool myself to feel good in front of others. I didn’t want to seem like a failure. Certainly 99% of us do not want to be exposed and vulnerable at all.

This is understandable. Yet your real potential is not on that side.

Ending Thoughts

Dear reader, happiness lives in us. Nothing else should dictate what makes you happy. It should be something meaningful under our own terms.

Conquering yourself is the art of understanding yourself as a human being. It’s the process of self-compassion.

The art of conquering yourself comes from your inner self.

Bringing happiness to your life is a matter of finding clarity, being intentional and fully honest with yourself.

Thanks for reading. I hope this turned out to be helpful for you. Share it to reach a wider audience and impact others. See you in the next piece.

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