At the end of every day, I feel really tired. My brain’s battery has run out due to several things I work on — my side hustle, full-time-home job, being a dad and husband, and more chores

So over the past years, I have been looking for practical and easy ways to recharge my body and brain to face the next day with a full battery.

I have figured it out. By doing a few simple but effective actions I always have found ways to be motivated, disciplined, courageous, and committed throughout the day.

If you are like me, the next actionable items will help you to recharge your brain to achieve what others will not.

Early in the morning

The next actions are the ones I do every day early in the morning. I do this before starting my day.

All of this determines how much I will achieve by the end of the day regardless of the size of the achievement either is small or reasonably big.

1. Be grateful

There will be always missing things. I know how hard is when you feel you don’t have the life you want. This might have hundreds of reasons.

But being grateful will helps you to understand the most important realization — what is under your control and what doesn't.

If you are grateful for the little things when the greater ones will come by you will keep your feet on the ground.

Be grateful because you opened your eyes and breathe. For your family and loved ones. For your pets. For your friends, job, and for anything that matters for you.

2. Drink water

I usually wake up around 4:30–6:00 every day. After I defeat the zombie sleepy mode, I wash my face and go to grab a glass of water.

After I researched the benefits of this, I forced myself to stick to that small but powerful action as part of my early morning ritual.

Since then, I have been doing it, so now it works in autopilot mode. Of course, in the beginning, it was hard, but I stuck gradually to that habit.

By drinking a glass of water, you are protecting and rehydrating your body.

Your daily productive will be affected by the level of hydration in your body and brain. So drink a glass of water should be the first action to a daily hydration routine and this will be crucial if you want to conquer your day.

3. Do Exercise / Walk

Just walk for a bit will help you be more active during the day.

Moves create emotions and as a result, you will feel happier. By walking or exercising your brain start to release endorphins so that you can start your day with positive vibes.

Dont take it as a way to lose weight neither set goals about this. Just go out and walk 10 meters, then the next day 20 meters and so on. As long as you continue when you least expect it you will be running.

It’s the snowball effect to stick to habits. Give it a try.

In the evening

The next are a few simple ways to recharge your brain before laying down to bed. This will provide you more energy, focus, and motivation to conquer your next day.

4. Eat a lighter dinner early

Before realized to change I used to have dinner around 5:30 pm or 6 pm. By doing this I am achieving three important things.

  • Recharge my brain by making a consistent flow of energy.
  • Lose weight unconsciously.
  • Sleep better. The best.

As you can see, those are three benefits you shouldn't miss.

5. Walk for 10 minutes

Disconnection is everything. I usually go out to walk with my four-year-old son for a while. The idea is to have our own time and talk like men. I really enjoy talking with him it's the most incredible experience.

But, it's not only to talk it is our escape from being at home the whole day. It’s the opportunity to disconnect us from everything. It’s the reward to see the world under our own eyes.

Walking for a while will help you to release thoughts. It will help you to bring new ideas into your mind which in turn will release endorphins to have an unstoppable mindset.

6. Visualize your next day

You can’t imagine the power of visualization. If you don't like to plan ahead visualization will put you ahead.

Visualize how your next day looks like. This shouldn't take more than five minutes at most. Think about the most important things you need to be done the next day and feel them while visualized them.

This will increase your level of commitment and courage to get those things done. By doing this, no doubt you are recharging your mind.

7. Have more sex

Research from the University of Munster in Germany found that having sex is a successful method in treating headaches and migraines.

Sex also helps you to sleep better and increase blood flow to your brain which turns to be power to it.

8. Read for 5 minutes

Reading will improve brain connectivity. As long as you continue reading you create networks of circuits and signals in the brain.

But, reading will also help to change your mind. It creates arguments and facts — You will increase your knowledge base to face your incoming days.

Having said that, before going to bed read something interesting to you. It should be something you really like or something you are obsessed to dig into it.

It doesn't matter if this makes sense for someone else, it matters your interests.

Final Thoughts

Our body and brain need ways to recharge. Their battery lasts a day at most.

We need to do simple and practical things both early in the morning and in the evening.

Being grateful, drink water early in the morning. Go out and walk a bit.

Help your body and mind with lighter and earlier dinners. Walk again after a long and tiring shift.

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