#5 Being coachable — The best ever skill to grow faster

Let's learn from these five lessons how to master your life and personal finances.

1. Travel more to meet the unknown

I am deeply grateful because I have the luck to travel.

Last year I traveled more than the previous year.

I visited more places locally in my country and a few ones abroad.

Two of the most meaningful trips were my visit to Utah and Los Angeles.

A few interesting things shaped my life. I unlocked unknown things while doing it. This made me grow a lot.

I tried out old outdoor activities I used to do when I was a child and that I missed as hell. I loved and had so fun time.

Just try it . Just jump to cliff.

Author going uphill at Utah’s Mountains

I got on a bike, not a basic like the ones I used to get on when I was a child, but a mountain one, yeah.

This was the first ever time I used this kind of machine.

The feeling was at peak. I was scared at first. I have doubt.

I tried it. I did it.

This proved to me that hard and soft skills can be mastered by everyone who is willing to put all their focus and energy into it.

Los Angeles

This same year I also got a bonus, so I didn’t overthink what to do with it.

We took our first vacations as a family. We visited Los Angeles.

We had visited it before, but with a really tied budget and without any tourist plan.

This time was different, we had luckily enough of having a budget to visit several places — Griffith Park, Universal Studios, Zoo and mountains.

It was one of the best memorable experience as a family.

2. Don't underestimate the importance of luck

Luck is the intersection between hard and smart work and time — Seneca

I had been learning English and sharpening my frontend development skills for about one year.

I kept showing up. I was learning in public.

One day, I got caught out that someone tag in a video I published a tech manager of one of the biggest tech company of my country.

A few days later, I got a call from him.

I was invited to be interviewed for an opening software engineer position. The main requirements were: Proficient English and frontend skills.

I hit luck, luckily. Preparation and timing were aligned. They met each other.

When you are trying to achieve something either small or big there will be a combination of skill, luck, and hard work to accomplish it.

There’s no secret here. There’s not a complex formula.

It’s just so damn obvious.

Simply put, working hard and smart increases your chances, so then increases the odd to meet luck.

It creates a scenario that helps and makes things happen. Timing and opportunity meet together.

3. Invest in yourself first (always)

In the past, I was a terrible saver.

I was a newbie handling money.

I was a dumb guy managing money. I believed I was quite the opposite.

I had the worst relationship with money you can imagine.

I went deep sunk in debt thanks to that relationship.

This changed in 2020 when I started to use the Top Offensive Technique to get out of debts and save little by little to recover back my mind and peace — and of course to settle the faith we can achieve anything we want.

Since then, my personal finances started to change tremendously.

Long story short.

I started to save 10% of my raw paycheck. This might be seen as little, although you are the best who knows deep your personal finances to decide which percent fit your current life’s circumstances.

I also started to buy and read a few finances books to dig into this ocean. Fun fact — I never had any kind of books in the past, but I love reading.

With all that in place and going, my mindset changed forever.

I know it. Sometimes it’s just tough to do that first step to invest in yourself, but if you don't, nobody else will.

4. Invest in assets, not in liabilities

I know it. This is a cliche.

Sadly, It will continue as is because the majority of us even knowing it still doing the opposite.

We need to buy a new car, one more recent and bigger now we have a new family team member — our little daughter.

That was precisely was my wife said.

I look at her and said. That’s good for being comfortable and impress others, but it is not a good financial move.

As long as our Corolla 2008 helps our family going from point A to point B safely, we are just OK. I would like to invest in assets rather than in liabilities like a car — I pointed out.

Coincidentally, I had got extra money. A good amount of money, so without thinking twice, I decided to invest in my biggest asset as of writing — my house.

I put in action that money to enhance my house.

What was the goal?

I did a home renovation for two reasons:

  1. It will increase home worth by 20%.
  2. Just for having commodity and peace.

I can dedicate a full post talking about this, but I think you got the point.

5. Being coachable — The best ever skill to grow faster

My best skill was that I was coachable. I was a sponge and aggressive to learn — Michael Jordan

This marked a before and after in both my personal and professional life.

I used to be a guy who can always wanted to speak first and prove my point and arguments

Over the years, one of the hardest and most powerful lessons I have got so far is the skill to be coachable.

This means, being a great listener — being present -being intentional.

It is the skill of being able to learn from others, get used to and comfortable to get good and tough feedback, listen carefully and act upon that advice and learnings.

You cannot act without being coachable, and being coachable has a lot of burden by its own.

You can start today being a listener. Being a good coachable person so you can grow faster personal or professional.

Ending Thoughts.

If you want to master life and finances, the five lessons you can’t afford to miss early on are:

  • Travel more to meet the unknown.
  • Luck is the intersection between hard and smart work and time.
  • Invest in yourself first (always)
  • Invest in assets, not in liabilities.
  • Being coachable — The best ever skill to grow faster

I hope this helps you to take better future life and financial decisions.

Thanks for reading.

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